Henrion Clothing emerged from the personal hardships of its founder, who experienced homelessness and severe material scarcity. During this challenging period, Henrion owned just two t-shirts and one pair of pants. These few pieces of clothing provided not only physical coverage but also a sense of dignity and stability amidst the turmoil. This experience ignited Henrion's passion for clothing and inspired the creation of a brand dedicated to helping others facing similar struggles.
The mission of Henrion Clothing is to provide high-quality, affordable apparel to individuals experiencing difficult times. The brand places a strong emphasis on sustainability, ensuring that each garment is made from eco-friendly materials and processes. Durability is another key focus, as Henrion understands the importance of having reliable clothing that can endure daily wear over a long period. Comfort is also a priority, recognizing that clothing should provide not only protection but also a sense of ease and well-being.
Henrion Clothing aims to be more than just a brand; it strives to be a source of hope, love and support for those in need. By offering durable and comfortable apparel, Henrion seeks to give back to the community, providing individuals with the tools they need to face their own challenges with dignity and resilience. Through this initiative, Henrion turns a personal narrative of hardship into a broader mission of compassion and empowerment, ensuring that others can find strength and comfort in their clothing just as he once did.
Developed with innovation in Sweden, the line is consciously constructed all over the world
using future-orientated materials.
"Every Henrion Collection piece has its own personal Henrion story on the label"
We are in a business that has an environmental impact, so we have to take responsibility. We strive to reduce the environmental impact of how we use nature's limited resources. We strive to make the right choices with regard to the climate and the environment, without compromising the quality of our products. We encourage our customers to take care of their clothes so that they last longer and can be passed from one person to another.